Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's gonna be a great year...

I'm going to start off by listing things of a sinful nature that could possibly lead to my destruction throughout the course of this year. Cigarettes. Drugs. Alchohol. Sex. Blasphemy. Taking God's name in vain. Swearing. Skipping class. Cutting or other bodily harm. Lying. Stealing. Ungodly music.
Now that they are listed, I am announcing to the whole world (or at least my blog readers) that I DENOUNCE ALL OF THESE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR, SATAN YOU WILL NOT BRING ME DOWN!!!
That being said, I want everyone who reads this who knows me to hold me accountable no matter what!
Unfortunately, I know myself better than anyone, so I know that simply denouncing theses things is not enough. Therefore, the following is my current plan of action to keep me close to God throughout the school year (and hopefully the rest of my life).
  1. I have 3 parts in my church's Christmas Festival of Lights play, which is a Christian adaption of Scrooge. This means A LOT of rehearsals.
  2. I have volunteered for 4 different things through my church. (A) I will be a special needs buddy for our Special Treasures ministry (which is for children) once a month on Sunday mornings, which means just being an extra set of hands to push a wheelchair, to keep the child company, to play with them, and to love on them. (B) I will be a Children's Program Coordinator at Iglesia Emanuel, which means I will plan activities for children ages 3-10 during Sunday evening worship service, and that is twice a month. (C) I will be an Operation Christmas Child Helper, which means I will assist the project director with details communicating, distributing and collecting shoeboxes, and that is 2-4 hours a month in October and November as needed. (D) I will be (hopefully, I'm assuming there are going to be auditions) a Saturday Night Musician, which means I will play in the praise band or sing on the praise team twice a month, obviously during our Saturday Night Service. I know that sounds like a lot, and some may think I am overcommitting myself, but I have prayed about it, and I know this is what God wants me to do, especially after this mornings service. Pastor Jim talked about Moses and how he didn't feel qualified to do what God wanted him to do. Which was EXACTLEY what did make him qualified. If we feel like we are qualified to do what God tells us to do, then we have no room to grow, and we are unable to know God more. But when we don't feel ready, that is when God can teach us and use us the most. Which basically confirmed all of my volunteering choices, because, I REALLY don't feel qualified for any of them!!!
  3. I will read and study my bible daily, and emerse myself in the Gospel. Also, I am going to make a reading plan so I can read and finish Proverbs by the end of this school year.
  4. I will pray daily.
  5. I will NEVER DENY GOD.
  6. I will continue to attend my youth group both Sunday mornings and Wednseday evenings, and dive in to the topics we are studying (which, by the way, are absolutely incredible this year!).

Now, to end my rant, a quote.

"Living without Jesus is like a fish living out of water...... DIVE IN!!!"

Are you gonig to dive in? I am.

Love, Sirhk

Friday, September 26, 2008

This is not a post

This is an apology for not posting anything good yet, so I hope everyone understands, I have just been soooo busy with school and my church play, but I will hopefully be able to post something tomorrow!
Love, Sirhk

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hello. My name is Sirhk. First of all, I would like to point out that I am not really evil. I just look evil.
I guess I will start off by telling you a little bit about myself. I am about 11 inches tall, with a lot of long yellow yarn for hair, in which there is red glitter.
That is all for how I look. It will take a little longer to describe my personality. Goodbye for now.
Love, Sirhk