Monday, December 1, 2008

Random Musings and Realizations

So, I've decided to start a series of posts that don't really have a purpose, except to give a glimpse into my smaller random thoughts, that, while somewhat insignificant compared to the larger ideas and issues I usually post about, will hopefully give some insight into the unique workings of my mind and the randoms thoughts that I have throughout the day, on a daily basis. (wow, that was a long sentence.) This is the first post of this kind.
I have discovered that I am a wanderer. And that I do it most in the places I spend the most time in. School and church, mostly. I don't do it at home, and I don't know why, I will have to think about that. I do know it gives me a sense of peace, comfort, and calm. It eases the restlessness that sometimes threatens to overwhelm me. I have noticed though, that I have done it so much, it has become a habit over the years, become a part of my everyday life. It is such a habit that now I still do it (without thought) during times when, in hindsight, it would have benefited me much more to stay in one place and participate. I realized this only after my youth group's most recent monthly gathering, SNO (Sunday Night Open), where we get together and play games and hang out. Usually during this, I give in to my habit, and aimlessly walk, not staying at one place or activity more than five or ten minutes. This past SNO, though, I sat down at one table, and played games with some people from my small group the entire time, up until the last ten minutes, in which I challenged a few people in Carpet Ball. This was beneficial to my ego, since I beat my youth pastor , and he is notorious for bragging about his skills in CB (although he does have a right to, he does have considerable skill in the stupid game).