Monday, March 30, 2009

Fake Nails and Football

If I ever wrote an autobiography, that would be the title. Yes, very random, I know, and not what this post is about.
I have put fake nails on a total of 2 times in my life. Both in the past 3 weeks. They looked really pretty. They were very inconvenient. I cut them to play guitar. Then my right thumbnail still fell off (well, more like it was ripped off by the strings) when I was playing. Then two more fell off when I was playing catch with a football, so I just ripped the rest off and put them in my pocket.
I love football. And (I think) I'm pretty good at it. I would be better if I was in shape. That is a goal. But I love throwing, catching, and running for the ball. It's a great feeling to be able throw as far (or almost as far) as most guys. It's fun to run and jump and feel the accomplishment of the ball in my hands after that effort. And yeah, I don't mind slamming into the wall a few times, even if I don't catch it. At least I gave it my best effort and didn't stand there and duck to protect my oh so (not) gorgeous face from that horrible thing called a football.
My point? Simply that I would rather take a few bruises from the ball and the wall and have fun doing what I love, than sit on the sidelines protecting fake nails that I have to tell people about for them to notice anyway. And it only took me one night to realize it :D.

**On a side note: I have absolutely nothing against girls that like fake nails and don't like football. This is just my preferance.