Tuesday, April 26, 2011


A lot has happened since my last post. Of course it has, I'm a mom now, lol! I'll start with the stuff about Ginny.
She will be 5 months next week. She is teething, and has already cut one tooth (bottom right incisor), and the one right next to it is just about to pop! She is 17 lbs 3 oz and 27in as of today (the lactation consultant brings a baby scale and tape measure with her). She also has an ear infection, which was discovered when I decided to take her to the doctor's office on Easter. I have to give her this stuff that looks, smells, and tastes like pepto-bismol, but is actually amoxacillin, 3x a day. I've been pumping and putting it in breast milk, and I have to wait until she's really hungry because she won't take it any other way- she makes this awful (hilarious) face and spits it out! She rolled over for the first time Sunday night, it was amazing!
On a different note, I was reconciled with an old friend, and although the relationship is different, it feels nice to be on good terms. She is getting married in the fall, and I couldn't be happier for her!
Recently I have been realizing what the future might hold, concerning Genevieve and I, and being her parent. I have realized that although I have a whole list of things I know I will NOT do as a parent, I also don't have much of a plan for what I WILL do. I know I do/will love her unconditionally; that goes without saying. But what will I do when it comes time to start teaching responsibility, obedience, character, etc.? All I know is I want to do the best I can for her, which is why I've decided to make time to start reading. I went on Parable's website and scrolled through their list of books on parenting (not all of them, there are over 2000, but I got through a lot of them). Then I found the books that looked appropriate and relevant to me and put them on hold at my local library. My plan is to read these books (some of them are audio books, which makes it easier for me), and then buy the ones that I think would benefit me more with ownership. It's going to be hard trying to balance this with parenting, schoolwork, housework, and church stuff, but I think it is something that is necessary. Please pray for me and my time-management skills.
I think that is all I have for now. I will try to stay current here, but no guarantees (like I said, I'm pretty busy, lol).