Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Perfect Dance Partner

Three months ago, my friend and I went to Swing for the first time. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a dance event hosted by the Grand Rapids Original Swing Society (G.R.O.S.S.) every Tuesday night. Since then, we have gone every week. We have both met many new people and made new friends. I was introduced to "Carter" through some mutual friends. He was then introduced to my friend. To make a long story short, they have grown closer and closer over the past months, and I highly suspect that they like each other very much. The only problem with this is the crush that has crept up on me. Believe me, I'm trying my hardest to get rid of it. I don't want to feel that way, and I want my friends to be happy. But I have to admit, the green monster has been showing its face more often than I would like. Not that I let anyone else see it, but I hate how it makes me feel. I let it get to me a little too much, and was very depressed at Swing for two weeks straight.
Last night was different though. My friend had told me that Carter was concerned about me, and that he didn't want to do anything to ruin our friendship. Well, you can bet that made me feel like a heel, so I resolved to clean up my act and move on. I figured, since I didn't want to have a crush, if I ignored it long enough, it would go away. My plan worked. I had a great time, and danced to at least ten songs, despite the injury to my foot. The only glitch happened when a waltz came over the speakers. My ears perked up, and I jumped up to find Carter (about a month earlier, I had taken a beginner waltz lesson, and knew how to do the basic step with a spin really well), and the only other person that I knew that also knew how to waltz somewhat was him. But when I found him, my friend and he were already preparing to take the floor. So I walked away, admittedly a little jealous and upset, because I'm the one that knows how to waltz, yet I'm the one with no one to dance with. And what's worse, the song they play for the waltz is a really cool love song with a great tune... that always makes me heartsick.
So I went in search of my friend "Andrew", who doesn't really know how to waltz, but I decided I would try to teach him. It was uneventful, but I think a few more weeks and he'll have the basic step/spin down, lol. After that, I went to sit down at a table and rub my foot (it was sore and stiff, I probably overdid it a little too soon). I was thinking about what had just happened, and about how my emotions were annoying and illogical. I then had a revelation; it just popped into my head out of nowhere, but it is something that I think will help me through the weeks to come: "God is my perfect dance partner."
As I think about it more now, I realize that it's not as much about dancing as it is about feeling close to someone, and not just physically, but emotionally as well. With that in mind, I think I would much rather have God as my dance partner than anyone else, because He will always be the first to ask, I will never have to go searching for Him, and His strong arms make Him the perfect leader (in dance terms), so easy for me to follow that I don't have to think about what I'm doing. All I have to do is enjoy the strength and safety of His embrace, and let myself rest in His presence, knowing that He thinks I am beautiful beyond compare, and loves me with no end. He is, without a doubt, the perfect dance partner.

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