Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Honor Academy

As many of you already know, I have often expressed my interest in attending the Honor Academy, whose main campus is in Texas (yeah, I know, that's pretty far from Michigan).I added a link to their website. I also added a link to Google maps from my house to HA. It is precisely 1,072 miles, which amounts to 16 hours and 48 minutes in time. Of course, that's not including stops to sleep, eat, and use the restroom. Yes, I know what you are all thinking... I'm still at least 2 years from graduating high school. But that doesn't mean I can't plan, hope, dream, and most importantly, pray, right? Which is what I have been doing. Everyday. I do not yet know a lot of what I would do if I end up going. These are the things I am unsure about (if I go):
  1. Travel there:
  • Driving alone
    • Pros- more time to pray and spend with God, complete solitude for the longest period of time in my life, peaceful
    • Cons- could get very lonely, possibility of insanity
  • Driving with a friend
    • Pros- would be lots of fun, wouldn't get lonely
    • Cons- could get sick of each other, no alone time, how would they get back
  • Driving with my little brother
    • Pros- quality time with my little bro, could have so much fun, could strengthen our relationship, a great memory to look back on with him
    • Cons- lots of responsibility on my part to take care of him (which I really wouldn't mind), could get annoying, could be a bad trip if he didn't behave, he could get bored
(I am highly considering taking my little brother, he would be about 13 1/2, and I think we would have a great time. I would raise the money to send him home on a plane. Also, if I did that, I would still have a ton of time to spend with God on the drive home for holidays.)

2. Going home for the holidays: (keep in mind, I don't know yet if I would even be allowed to go home for the holidays)
  • Yes
    • Pros- being with family, seeing my friends, seeing my daughter, going to my normal church, seeing my youth pastor
    • Cons- expensive
  • No
    • Pros- spending time with peers, building stronger bonds with them, a complete oasis with God completely devoting the entire time to Him without breaks (I don't know if I explained that right...)
    • Cons- loneliness for my family, friends, and home church, won't see my daughter
I will probably add more later.

This is the list of things I would need:
  • Lots of money saved up (obviously), or a scholarship (in which case I would still need lots of money saved up for other expenses)
  • A car
  • A laptop
  • Probably some new clothes that fit
  • Cell phone

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