Monday, December 10, 2012

Letter from a Broken Heart

Why did I have to fall in love with you?!? It isn't fair to have to love someone I cant have, and now I've lost every part of you. All I have left of you is Hugs. I can feel my heart breaking. Actually, it's more of a ripping, tearing feeling. It's like my heart is so full of love mixed with hurt and regret that it can't hold it all and is breaking at the seams. I miss you more than I can bear.
I have to believe that I will someday be healed from this, but in this moment, right now, I can't see past my hurt to what might be, when things might be better. I wrote you letter and told you I was fine and had moved on. You told me I had to let you go, and I told you I did. But that was a lie; I believed it at the time because I had been squashing my true feelings. The unrelenting angst, jealousy, anger, sorrow, and bitterness.
I'm done crying for the moment, but these feelings don't just go away on their own. How can I let you go?!? I loved you for 6 YEARS, and I still do. I think I always will, in a way.

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