Sunday, December 9, 2012

Little Dancer

My daughter had her first dance class on Saturday, my gift to her for her 2nd birthday. Although she didn't follow directions very well, she had a lot of fun and did well with the other kids.
I am beyond proud to be able and willing to give this gift to her. I never had anything like this growing up, accept for karate, and that lasted only a few months. I wish my parents had cared enough about my development to put me in these types of classes long term. For instance, I always wished I had taken piano, and I plan on starting piano lessons for G when she turns 5. I will start giving her guitar lessons in the next year or so.
I guess the best any of us can do is to do better than our parents did. I want G to have these skills and the work ethic the classes provide as she grows and matures into a girl, a tween, and a young lady. I believe they are skills she will treasure for the rest of her life. Happy birthday beautiful girl!

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