Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm not trying to be a hero...

3:30pm Anonymous

Hey Nicole! How are you?

3:32pm Nicole

I’m good, you?

3:32pm Anonymous

I’m doing well. No complaints lol.

How’s school going?

3:33pm Nicole

It’s pretty good, really easy, if you're talking about the curriculum

3:34pm Anonymous

That’s good. Is it really boring then or is it still interesting even though it's easy? And are you at Northpointe again?

3:35pm Nicole

No, I’m at Northview alternative, yeah, it’s still interesting, but mostly I like talking to the teachers, the kids there are really.... how to put it.... um

Well, most of them are drug- addicts or sluts or both, they make fun of God/ Jesus, and me, everyday,

Because of my faith, I have been very open about my relationship w/ Jesus, and they condemn me for it. But I am trying my very very best to just love them like Jesus would and be a witness to them

3:38pm Nicole

Oh, sorry, that was kind of a lot to dump on you, lol

3:40pm Anonymous

Wow. That’s sounds really tough but I’m so proud of you. I hope this will really equip you to do what God has in store for you. Don’t you want to do something in ministry? Though hard this will inevitably be something that will hopefully enable you to be incredibly effective and powerful doing God's work. I’ll definitely be praying for you.

And don't worry about it.

But I’m so glad that you feel strong enough to stand up for who you are and what you believe in. those kids needs God's light in a very real way

And I firmly believe that you are that light to them everyday

3:41pm Nicole

Wow, how did you know, I have wanted to be in youth ministry and be a part time missionary ever since I got saved

Lol, thanks

I’m trying

3:45pm Anonymous

Well I think you shared some of those thoughts with me this summer. But yeah... as much as it is hard and I can't even begin to understand it all and the pain and hurt that you might feel, I don't believe that you are there for no reason. I know that God has a reason for you to be there - and it may be so that you can be God's light to all those students there. And also so that you can take those experiences with you and hopefully be better prepared to work with kids in similar situations later

3:46pm Nicole

Yeah, it’s going to be a great year, I can really feel God's Holy Spirit in me! Have you read my note? Read it, it will explain a lot :)

3:47pm Anonymous

I’ll do that! I’m so happy for you. I'm really praying for you.

3:50pm Nicole

Thank you :) I appreciate it

3:53pm Nicole


3:53pm Anonymous


3:55pm Anonymous

Nicole that's really awesome! Keep it up and God will definitely do awesome things through you as he is doing right now. You are an encouragement to me!

4:04pm Nicole


4:05pm Nicole

Thanks... you have no idea how happy that makes me, I never thought I’d be an encouragement to someone just because of that :P

4:06pm Anonymous

It is an encouragement. It’s awesome to see someone with awesome ambition for Christ.

4:06pm Nicole

Aww, you are going to make me cry :)

4:07pm Anonymous

Oh don't do that. But stay strong girl. And live out your faith. Pray daily. And know that people care

4:08pm Nicole

I do :D

I'm not trying to be a hero or anything; I’m just trying to live my live for God the best way I know how

4:10pm Anonymous

And I really hope you keep that in mind. It’s not about you. It’s about God and the work he has for you. That’s one thing I’m working on too.... it's never about me. It’s always about others.

That was a convo with my friend, i think it explains a lot.


1 comment:

AJS said...

What a great conversation! This friend really said it all. It isn't easy being a follower of Christ. You are doing a great job, from what I have heard and read. You are standing up for Jesus. You will be rewarded in time. In the meantime, your friend is right...you are there for a specific reason. I don't know if God placed you there strategically or is just working through your circumstances, but either way, He is in control. He is ALWAYS good. Way to go, girl. I'm always so proud of you!!!